Build Your Own Brand

Apple. Nike. Starbucks. What do these companies have in common? They’re all successful brand builders. Consumers associate these brands with quality and style. And that brand-based enthusiasm helps to drive increased sales.

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Just Say No

Telling your boss that you can’t take on a new responsibility or a new project can be tough. Most of us have a hard time saying no in these situations, even when we know that saying yes will mean we’re stretched so thin that our work will suffer (not to mention our personal lives).

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How Office Gossip Can Be Good for Your Career

We grew up learning that gossip was something to be avoided (and definitely “not nice”). But it turns out that office gossip can help us get ahead at work–if used carefully. “It’s not realistic to say, ‘Don’t participate in [workplace] gossip,’ because if you don’t participate, people tend not to include you in the conversation,”

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10 Well-Paid Federal-Government Jobs

Accomplished professionals often don’t consider the federal government as a prospective employer. But they should–half of federal hires in the past several months have been at starting salaries over $100,000, says Seattle career coach Robin Ryan. And by some estimates, the government needs to hire more than 270,000 people just to keep “mission-critical” functions up

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Rejuvenate Your Resume

In a competitive job market, we have to do everything we can to make our resumes more attractive to hiring managers. This can be difficult for older workers, who fear that even if there’s no bias (subconscious or conscious) against job seekers on the mature side of 40, a resume may make them look “overqualified”

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ARCHIVE: Cruisin’ Down the Information Superhighway

I. Background – Where We Were Universal need for information, growing demands and expectations for automated access As a public sector entity, the Louisiana Department of Civil Service faces the familiar challenge of efficiently providing access to information to those that we serve. Since we are the central human resources department for the state, our

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When is it religious discrimination?

My religion prohibits being alone with women — am I entitled to accommodation? 03-01-00 I am a truck driver and have been on “light duty” for the past several weeks. Last week my supervisor told me to take one of the office girls to the bank to make a company deposit. The other employees made

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