ARCHIVE: Cruisin’ Down the Information Superhighway

I. Background – Where We Were Universal need for information, growing demands and expectations for automated access As a public sector entity, the Louisiana Department of Civil Service faces the familiar challenge of efficiently providing access to information to those that we serve. Since we are the central human resources department for the state, our

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When is it religious discrimination?

My religion prohibits being alone with women — am I entitled to accommodation? 03-01-00 I am a truck driver and have been on “light duty” for the past several weeks. Last week my supervisor told me to take one of the office girls to the bank to make a company deposit. The other employees made

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Using Peer Support To Improve Your Skills

As a group, corporate managers are an isolated bunch. Whereas employees know and support each other, managers tend to keep problems to themselves. If nothing else, the events of Sept. 11 have taught us that isolation doesn’t work. Since then, companies have watched employees pull together and accomplish tasks with new dedication and teamwork. It

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Make a Date to Attend A Career-Counselor Confab

Now I know why I haven’t always succeeded in interviews. Being a factual, logical, sequential-thinking person, I answer questions honestly and directly. If interviewers want to know about me, I tell them. I haven’t known anything about creating “shared control” with an interviewer. I didn’t realize that by asking questions, I could literally force interviewers

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How Do I Change My Career?

“I have 15 years of experience in higher education administration, specifically in international education. This includes foreign student advising and international admissions. My international admissions responsibilities require me to travel abroad and represent my institution at college fairs. I’m tired of higher education and the low pay and recognition it gives administrators and I’m wondering

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Santa’s little helpers have rights too

As Christmas approaches, retailers are taking on extra staff for the holiday rush. This provides an opportunity for recruiters, but they should note they may be liable for any discrimination claims brought by temps and there is no limit to the compensation that may be awarded in such cases.

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