5 Tips for Preparing Your Elevator Pitch

In most interviews, you have to be prepared for a 30-minute to an hour-long conversation with a hiring manager. What if you have less than 5 minutes to convince a hiring employer that you are the most qualified candidate? You may want to start practicing your elevator pitch, in case you get caught in an impromptu salutation. I’m going to help you by explaining some neat tips, so you can be ready when the moment comes:

1. Think About Why You Want That Position: Write down all the reasons that you want this job, and keep the good points. For example, your commitment to the company, or your desire to grow in your fields may prove to be compelling arguments. You shouldn’t provide typical points, like “I want a job in this field,” or “I need the money.”

2. Honesty is the Best Policy: Similar to an interview, over exaggerations, half-truths and lies can be your worst enemy. Don’t hype yourself to be the perfect candidate when you know you have some flaws. Let them know that you’re a pretty good candidate, while showing humility. No one likes a phony.

3. Think about What You Have to Offer: Employers know what they can provide for you (financial stability, benefits, opportunity to grow, etc.) They need to find out what you can provide for the company. Your work ethic, experience and skills learned over the years are examples of what can be highlighted as potential assets.

4. K.I.S.S.: This is an acronym for Keep it Short and Sweet. Compile your most compelling points and squeeze them into 20-second micro speeches. They are called elevator pitches for a reason; you should rarely go over 1-2 minutes with them.

5. Practice, practice, practice: The saying “practice makes perfect” is definitely relevant when it comes to the elevator pitch. Rehearse your speech to make sure that it is concise and that you are not stumbling on your words.

career, job, jobsearch